Tuesday, December 25, 2007

merry x-mas

hello all, we have left fez, and gone on to Essaouira, which is on the coast of maroco.
we had an awful overnight buss here. the buss was the most cramped buss yet; and my mother and myself were both sick for the ride, infact, she is still home right now, sick.
it is fantastic here, there are wide open beaches, with people ready to take you on a horse or camel ride, amazing shops full of, sadly, thuya wood. Thuya wood is a endangerd kind of wood, because of its over harvisting
anyways, if you buy at the co-ops, they practice maintainable harvesting,
we love it here
we are leaving for marakkesh soon
see ya

Thursday, December 20, 2007

hello from fez

hello all, i have had a problem finding a computer that allowed blog spot to run

we are nopw in fez, and we love it here

we arived at 3:00 am by buss, got into a taxi, and were told that the driver did not know the street where out apartment was!

after driving for an hour we settled on a little hotel, that was cheap

the other dawy we found out appartment, we had been in the hotel for three days

let me put it this way
if you get in to a car, and you drive,, and drive further, and a little further than that, you will run in to our appartment. so we stayed in our hotel, wich is right down town, with cool stors nearby, and the medina about a 10 minute walk

this is the medina, whish is a crazy warren of streets, each full of buisinesses, its too steep and narrow for cars, nope they use horses. the medina itself is proably abolut 3 km long, 2 wide, and crazy

in the center are the leatherpits where they hand make leather i bought a camel leather belt. it smells like rotting animals, it looks like hell, and its work for some people
the medina is crazy, unpridictable, with camel heads marking butchers, and pretty much evry other person being a saleman

so far i have bought a traditional arab dager, you know, the ones the tuck into their belts, a lamp, about six pirated movies, my bro got a fez, a lamp made with hide!

tomorrow is the fest du mutton, AKA the festival where they all go buy a live sheep, and then slaugter it in their houses, its somthing akin to christmas

Saturday, December 8, 2007


hey, im in sevill, we love it here, nice and quiet
i am wondering, does anyone want to give me their postal cose and street adress, and i will mail them a letter, there are some good 1s here

Thursday, December 6, 2007

¡hola! from seville

hey im in seville, sorry for the periodic updates
we loved barcalonna, they have this great centeral hestoric disterict, surrounded by the 100 year old ¨new¨ district. we saw much gaudi, who if you dont know, is a architect from the 20´s who did this

and others, the only problem is the apartment was tiny, only 1 room, so we got on one anothers nerves
we saw lots of niro suptures, picaso paintings, gaudi´s buildings, and such. increadiably, there are nearly no cars on the street, for a city the size of vancouver, it is quiet!!
the only other anoying this is that my camera started making a grinding noise when i turned it on, i took it to a camera expert and he siad ¨kabosh¨, meaning that its finished, so im rairly using it till i can get to canada and get the warrenty
love it here, its quiet, and peacfull

Monday, November 26, 2007

hey all, im in glorious spain

hey, im in spain, yes i do hop around
capodoccia was neat, we were there for a week, visited many ruins, we made the mistake of feeding a stray we called percy (for persistant), she followed us on 5+ hour hikes, nace biig german sheperd.
we took a tour to an underground city, it went a toatal of eight floors into the ground, we went to the same resteraunt 5 nights in a row, took the night buss to istanbul, took a night plane to london, took an early mornign plane 6:00 am plane tp spain and arived here
see ya all

Saturday, November 17, 2007

sorry for any inconvinence caused by the delay

hey, im in turkey right now, in capodocia, yes its been a while since my last post
since i last posted in london, we traveled to bath, sorry fraser, we missed your house, loved the city. its set in the countryside, with a refined and sophiticated air, we staid there for 2 days, then returned to london to catch our "5 hour" trip with easyjet, or so my dad claimed.
he also claimed that the seats were hard plastic, luckly he was lying, it was three hours and cummfy seats
we arived in istanbull (AKA contantanople) late at night, made our way to our appartment, climed up seven floors, and had a beautifull penthouse appartment
with a hundred DVD collection we splent plenty of nights there
lets see, there was the grand bazaar, wich is thousands of stores each selling preatty much the same thing, but each grabing your arm trying to force you into their store, i bught some eyes, they are blue eyes to ward off evil.
there is the cistern that was designed to hold of a seige, and can hold 100 000 tons of water, hidden below the city untill the 1950s
the blue mosque, with is massive and impressive... moqueness
in the mornig the call to prayer wchoes throughtout the city, and lunchtime, and supper time, wind night time...
great placew
wishu were ther
but anyways
caught a 11 hour over night buss ride from istabull to görme, had two fat people behind us, they could not fit down the buss isle with out turning sideways, the disterbing thing is that 1 looked to be 14, sad
the mother snorthed the entire night through (not trying to be rude, just telling it like it was)
got here this morning
capadocia is known for its rock spires, witch people have hollowed out, and built houses in
see ya all later

Sunday, November 4, 2007

hey, im in london

hey, its me, im in london now
lets see, since last time we journeyd around palermo, halloween is a non event there, only place we saw it mentiond was in bars. we went swiming, water was a little chilly, but no worse than the lake in the summer, dried off in the heat of the sun. other than that, really, not much happend
on the day we left palermo, we hopped on a flight to rome, saw the colloseum from air, which was neat, we then flew to london, bout a 3:00 trip, and we met my mom at the gate, which was quite nice.
we took the train to kings cross station, wawlked by platform 9 3/4

sorry for the blurry pick, ill have to retake it
we went back to the hotel and slept
today we went to,well, alot of places, let me list them
buking ham palace
big ben
westminster abby
the london eye (i was the only person to go up it

Monday, October 29, 2007

palermo, and corpses

hey, we maded it to palermo, unfortunetly there is little internet here so i cant update much
well, upon ariving we had a little difficulty finding our room, well more specificly, our room lady.
the next day, we headed to what are known as "the catacombs" wich are 8000 corpses, stored on shelves in tunles under palermo, and which you can stoll for 1.5 dollars, and reac out and touch the corpeses, unfotunetly i forgot my camra when i came to the computers, so here is a link to the website
we saw some amazing churches, and not much else
see ya soon

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

valcanos, and pergatory

hey, a couple things have happend, since my last post, we have left napli, /cry, but let me startù
the day we left, we had to wait till 11:30 at night to catch our trian, so we headed off to a "dorment" volcano,

the one, while you can not apreciat it, sounded increadiably loud, and came roaring out at nearly 200°, there were also flats of boiling mud, and fealds of steam, we headed back, and went to a couple museums, the first was one devoted to humanity, and was a grand couple of two small rooms, the second was devoted to animals, and contained stuffed everything from elephant, hippos, eagles, shell fish, sheep... and all looked to be in pain, o well, we also saw some freaks, 2 headed goats, six legged sheep, lots,
we had ourselves some amazing pizza, and headed to the train station, for a 3 hour wait, at 11:25 it rolled in, it was hell. 5 of us cramped in, seats could only face completly upright, with no legg room, no one sat in front of Vaughn, so he was able to make a bed and sleep, the woman oppisite me was, excuse me for saying this, short, fat, ugly, and, well, she snorted, got about 2:00 of sleep, so that was awful. pulled into siracusa at 9:00, so we are now in scisily, went to LOL hostel, yes, its actually called LOL hostel http://www.lolhostel.com/home.html, its not bad, walked around the city, went into an old WW2 shelter, bought some fresh swordfish for supper, nothing much, tommorow we go to some old greek rins, look forward to it

Monday, October 22, 2007

anoying old white haird guy

hey, you wont belive this, but remember that old white guy that stoped us from going to saiint pauls? well, we tried to go to a history museum the other day, but learned that it was closed because he was talking infront of there!, and then later that day i went to cross the street but once agian, they had the road blocked off just so he could drive down it!!, here are some pictures

well, yesterday we decided to go to erculem, like pompeii but it was burried in a mud flow, so it is in much better shape, while pompeii is more extencive, most of the buildings had their second floor inshape. amd there were tons of beutiful paintings
unfortuantly is was raining and blowing like no ones buisiness, so we had to make our trip short, mom? i broke and umbella it was blowing so hard, and nearly my own. So we headed home,
and spent the day indoors, only poking our heads out for the food.
today, theres not much going on, i managed to download the newest naruto, and watched that (touching, poor elder chiyo)
ill keep in touch
dont be afraid to email

Friday, October 19, 2007


hey, i just returned from pompeii
well, upon getting up we caought (the wrong, and after a try, the right) train to pompeii, it is extensice, that is opne thing you cant get from photos, it is 55 hectors, some of the houses ar tiny, and other quite extensive, while all the "frozen people" had been removed, there are tons of husks, infact there are several remaining frescos, wall paintings, some still looking fresh, while there isn t much to talk about there, there was alot to see, we wanderd around for about four hours, before heading back, not myuch to talk about,
see ya all later
oh yea, mom? remember my red wind breaker? i kinda lost it,

Thursday, October 18, 2007


hey, its serge, heres whats new
some one had told us how the view from the top of saint pauls cathderal was magnificent, so before we left on the train for naples, we decided to revistit, when we araived there, there where tens of thousands of people sitong outside, the entrence to the cathedral was blocked, and some old white haired guy was droning on and on, , here is a picture, your guess is as good as mine of who he is (heres a hint, st pauls is in the vatican)
we bopared the train and were wisked away to napoles, araived at 6:00, and was beset by africans trying to sell me stuff.
after an tiring search for our hotel (we sat outside the wrong side of the street for an hour, while my dad tried to find a phone) we got to our apartment
cute place
the next mornign we went shopping, our street has evry thing (and anything) you could need, from butchers to electronics, to wine shops. a great cind of juice is called bloodorange, is a better kind of orange juice
we walked napoli today, its great, vibrant, livley, live octobus in tanks to buy, fish on the corner, a coulple things are unoradox, in news stands the sell porn beside dragonball Z, which is odd.
looking forward to staying here for 7 days, mt vasouvious is visible , which is the 1 near that killed pompei
see ya all later

sorry i cant talk longer, im on 996 mhz processors, and the are SLOW, i mean, 2 minutes to re orient a picture? common!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


hey all, its great here, we (MYSELF, MY BROTHER, AND MY DAD) just spent the day wandering thruogh rome. beautiful city, there is alot of grafitti throughout the city, but ok, where to start, on sunday, we boarded the plane out of kelowna, after a short 1 hour flight, we reached vancouver, we had a four hour layover in between flights, so we sat around for a time, we boarded the flight which took off after another half an hour. man, first class is the way to go, not that i got to go first class. i was stuck back in thrid class. small leg room, but it did have video on demand, free, so on the 8 hour flight over the atlantic i watched verious movies, aswell as napped. upon reaching london, were were behind schedual, so we dashed through customes, through the air port, and in to the waiting room for another halfanhour wait, and caught our flight to rome, we reached rome at 9:00 PM, their time, which was 1:00 pm our time, so we had been up for 24:00. We then proceded to battle our way through a maze of busses and subways. ariving at our hostel late at night. The next morning we woke at 10:00, which is midnight for you guys, and proceded to retrace our steps to the coleseum. yes the coloseum is big, tall, and all other adjictives, but there are many cooler sights, right beside the coloseum are the ruins of past palaces, shuch had many amazing sights, the buildings were frequently 3+ stories tall, we walked alng the senate, weaving through a myrid of streets, the most frequent type of restaurnt is a pizzaria, the second? a gelatoria, (like icecream), and yes, there are bars in mcdonalds here)
after losing our way multiple times, we reached the patheon, one word amazing, 2000 years old, and no, that it the right number of zeros, a massive dome, vivid colors, a nine meter whole in the peak of the dome, no glass, amazing. we then marched over to the vatican, saw pope pauls tomb, then when into the cathedral, WOW, it seats 60,000 ppl, yes, sixty thousand!, gold inlay, marble evrywherem massive, wow
after that we went back to hour hostle, there is a super market beside it, let me put it this way, CHEAP BOOZE, $.99 for a beer, $1.50 for a bottle of wine, so, cheap
well ill see you later

(yes, there was more, but only got half an hour to do my computer stuff

Thursday, October 4, 2007

hello one and all

hey, this is serge, its the 4th, and its a weak untill we leave, this is just to confirm that you have the right site!!