Monday, October 29, 2007

palermo, and corpses

hey, we maded it to palermo, unfortunetly there is little internet here so i cant update much
well, upon ariving we had a little difficulty finding our room, well more specificly, our room lady.
the next day, we headed to what are known as "the catacombs" wich are 8000 corpses, stored on shelves in tunles under palermo, and which you can stoll for 1.5 dollars, and reac out and touch the corpeses, unfotunetly i forgot my camra when i came to the computers, so here is a link to the website
we saw some amazing churches, and not much else
see ya soon


Anonymous said...

wat? can`t write nemore? Been a month. We need news!!!
Leanne F

Anonymous said...

ure cousin!!!